The world's most powerful learning environment
Existing Initiatives
We've been all over the world supporting future leaders - from Chicago to Boston, Haiti to Ireland, California, Colorado, and everywhere in between! So far, we've supported thousands of athletes and coaches, and we'd be excited to support YOU! Reach out to get the Good Athlete Project on your campus.
"The Good Athlete Project has changed our students' mindsets and improved ACT scores 3.3 points. We love these guys!" - LaVonte Stewart, Lost Boyz, Inc (Chicago)
What is a Good Athlete?
Have you ever shown up to a biology class shaking with excitement? because that will happen every Friday night this fall as High School football players prepare for their games. The platform of athletics is undeniably powerful, and we are on a mission to be sure it is used to its full potential. Through the lens of cognitive neuroscience and social theory, we capitalize on one's desire to be Good Players to ensure they become a Good People.
We use research-based methods to teach for those things in life that truly matter: character, leadership, grit, growth mindset, conscientiousness, and yes, kindness. Contact us to find out how we can support your team!
Bring the Project to your school!
Reach out to discover how you can get the Good Athlete Project on your campus. We offer team workshops, professional development presentations, and highly individualized consultation to ensure you see the results you are after!
Today’s Athletes
Tomorrow’s Leaders
We have identified athletics as one of the most powerful educational platforms that exists – full of novelty, cooperation, motivation, and unique group dynamics. For that reason, we spread awareness and understanding of the importance of athletics, and work with teams, coaches, and athletic departments to ensure they are done well.