Don’t Shut Down Harvard Athletics
Harvard Crimson
“The easy response is to say that sports have an issue, get rid of them—it’s harder to say that sports have an issue, so let’s fix them. There’s a way, if we stop scapegoating and gather the will.”
Opposing Truths in Illinois Public Health
The Sentinel
“Does your behavior match your goal? If the primary goal of public health is to keep people alive and well, then the COVID-19 pandemic should be taken seriously.”
Mindful Movement: a Scaffold for Student Mindfulness Training
The Mindful Word
“Attention is a skill. As technology improves and phones tug at the nervous systems of our students, it is a skill we should deliberately cultivate.”
Is Remote Learning a Public Health Dilemma?
Healthcare Information Technology Consultant
“This phenomenon is rooted in the commonly ignored factor that students are embodied. Those delicate brains we hope to educate are carried around in living, breathing vessels.”
Scanning for Deltas: Management Strategies in a Variable Landscape
Power Athlete
“One of the most highly regarded skills in our weight room is adaptability. In a given session we might have as many as 100 student-athletes in our facility…”
Personal Health or PPE? The Hidden Truth of Battling Coronavirus.
Thrive Global
“The number one factor to successful interaction with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that precludes COVID-19) is health. A healthy immune system, healthy cardiorespiratory function, and the absence of obesity, diabetes, and other complicating variables are essential to successfully overcoming infection.”
Understanding, Motivation, and Access: a framework for effective influence
Power Athlete
“Coaches are in the business of taking people to places they would not have been able to go alone. They are leaders, mentors, and motivators. They are guides.”
The Role of Locker-Room Talk in Systemic Racism
STACK Magazine
“We are embracing racial justice and equity in an explicit and public manner. Silence is replaced by (and long overdue) conversation. Policies are already being reformed, and systems reconsidered.”
Self-Talk for the Quarantined Athlete
Elite FTS
“We are constantly talking to ourselves. The slow trickle of inner chatter is unending. Self-talk is essential to who we are. It helps us make sense of the world. It allows us to predict and plan.”
Advice for Senior Athletes in Quarantine
Just Breathe Magazine
“There is one universal truth experienced by every athlete: one day, their career will be over. Athletes usually know when the end of their career is near. For many, the final few games carry a special resonance, braided with gratitude and nostalgia.”
Five Core Concepts for Training During Coronavirus.
AFCA Insider
“These are strange times. College sports have shut down. Many high school organizations are following suit. Most athletes do not have access to gyms or a full range of equipment options.”
Spring Season Isn’t Over: Training through quarantine
“The Ivy League basketball tournament was the first to fall. Shortly after, the NCAA announced that March Madness and all other competitions were cancelled in hopes of slowing the spread of COVID-19. Seasons – careers – for thousands of athletes across the country came to a screeching halt.”
The Power of Good Nutrition: Does your behavior match your goal?
SlowChat Health
“Our Powerlifting team once hosted a bake sale that brought in more than $700. That’s a lot of brownies.”
More ‘Us,’ Less ‘Them’: What Championship Teams Focus On
STACK Magazine
“What do you want from your athletes on game day? The coaches we consult will often begin with broad concepts like "win" or "compete at a high level." These are great starting points.”
Addressing the Elephant on Deck: How tracking sleep can lead to a culture of improvement
NISCA Magazine
“We are all looking for an advantage. While athletes and coaches are busy looking for subtle boosts in competitive edge, many have turned their backs to the greatest performance enhancer of all: sleep. This is especially apparent within the culture of swimming.”
The Trouble with Mindfulness
Just Breathe Magazine
“His task was not to envision the future or ruminate on the past, but to be in the moment. Just to be ‘where [his] feet are.’
The Redskins are giving Ruben Foster a chance – he needs to make the most of it
“Though his talent is unquestionable, many find it hard to believe that any team would risk adding him to their roster. Unless, of course, the Redskins have identified that they have the opportunity – perhaps the last of Foster’s life – to support him in his evolution as a human being.”
We Need to Talk about Mental Illness in Athletics
The Globe Post.
“The on-paper version of Tyler Hilinski’s passing is no exception: tall, bright, likeable young man playing quarterback in the Pac10. He leaves behind a loving family and host of friends who will miss him dearly. So what went wrong?”
Hate Tim Tebow? You must be antisocial
Orlando Sentinel.
“So why is there still such debate over whether or not former University of Florida football star Tim Tebow has what it takes to be a big-league pro? A recent survey suggests that much of our distaste for Tim Tebow trips over its own logic.”
Understanding Stress
Slow-Chat Health
“Through the world travels of the Good Athlete Project, we have noticed one underlying constant in the desires of most people: less stress.”
3 Lessons I Learned While Playing Football in Spain
American Football International
“The value of my experience playing football overseas is immeasurable. I played three seasons (two in Ireland with the Limerick Vikings, one in Spain with the Valencia Firebats), won three championships, learned a lot about myself, and made lasting friendships.”
Championship Swim Culture through Dryland Routines
NISCA Magazine
“In 2016, the swim team we worked with was full of hard workers, dedicated student-athletes, and talented individuals. On the first day of dryland training, however, a passing observer might have found that hard to believe.”
Triple Salchows, Accurate Looking, and the Role of Exercise in Concussion Rehabilitation
Slow-Chat Health
“Although it was a typically sunny day in Colorado Springs, it was cold beside the ice rink in the Olympic Training Center. On assignment with the Good Athlete Project, a fellow coach and I stood against the glass watching elite athletes make toe loop, axel, and salchow jumps look easy.”
Will Christian McCaffrey be on the Sideline during the Sun Bowl?
The Good Men Project
“If I were playing for Stanford in the Sun Bowl on Dec. 30 in El Paso, that’s what I’d say to Christian McCaffrey, if he were to support his former teammates from the sideline.”
Swimmer Strength: an Overview
NISCA Magazine
“After many conversations with swimmers, swim coaches, and strength coaches working with swimmers, a common question persists: where do we start?”
On the Value of a Moral Mentor
The Good Men Project
“The sweat on his arms and legs collected dust and grime until he was a different shade of himself. There were two days until football practice at Tiskilwa High School and Randy Oberembt was hard at work.”
Moral Coaching: The Value of Preparation
AFCA Weekly
“Fall has rushed through the east coast and the season is over for many high school and college teams. For the first time in nearly twenty years I was not a part of it.”
Decoding Cam: A Case for Clarity in our Evaluation of Leadership
The Good Men Project
“The NFL draft has passed and next season is in sight. I hope there is now enough distance to talk about the Super Bowl with clarity.”
The Power of Support
Elite FTS
“I was walking up to the platform when I heard my dad’s gravelly encouragement. “Give 'em hell, Jimbo!” I was on my third squat attempt; I had missed the first two, so if I didn’t successfully complete the rep, I would be out of chances and out of the meet. Months of obsessive training would be lost.”
Calling All Heroes: An Open Letter to the Men of the NFL
The Good Men Project
“The Carolina faithful went wild, and he gave them his trademark celebration: the miming of a mere mortal pulling back his day-wear to reveal the “S” on your chest. I saw this and decided to write Cam and the other super-humans of the NFL a note”
Train Like a Football Player
American Football Monthly
“At the core of all strength and conditioning, there is one unalienable principle: a body is a body. With so much focus on sport-specific training, it is easy for a coach to be enamored with the latest, greatest, custom-built program.”
Keys to the 3-4 Under Front
This is AFCA
“Given the success and prevalence of the spread offense, many teams have attempted to increase the amount of speed on the field by installing a three-man front. To have another look – perhaps a primarily run-stopping option – we adjust frequently to what we call the 3-4 Under, which resembles a traditional 4-3.”