Beyond Strength Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1
Though there is great power in sports, power does not always lead to positive outcomes. ‘Sports gone wrong’ is a daily headline. That’s where we come in. We are focused on athlete and coach development, in service of maximizing the potential of athletics as education.
Our #BeyondStrength initiative began with a recognition that strength training offered an incredible opportunity for that sort of education. If an athlete works hard, focuses on technique, challenges themselves, takes care of their recovery, and then shows up again the next day (tired or not) while in pursuit of long-term goals, then powerful lessons have started to sink in.
We use research-based and experience-proven methods to support coaches in doing this work well. Read on to learn more!
- Robert Higgins - Chief of Surgery & President at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- Lisa Feldman Barrett - Neuroscientist, Author, and Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University
- Mike Ditka - Former Chicago Bears Head Coach and Pro Football Hall of Fame
- And many more world-changing leaders!